Operation Tool at Hobsonville Point, March 2017
Massey Community Police station covers a large area of west Auckland, including your community.
We recently ran Operation Tool at Hobsonville Point to target construction site theft. Engraving your Drivers Licence number, which stays with you for life, into your tools means that if they are stolen and later located we are able to return them to you. Over two days we successfully engraved over 600 tools free of charge (with an equal number of free sausages consumed). If you missed out, please come into the Massey Station and we will engrave your tools for free.
We were also promoting SelectaDNA, for identifying your property at home or work, and SNAP. SNAP allows you to maintain details of all of your important possessions or assets. If your items are stolen, you can instantly retrieve your asset list and forward it onto the Police and your insurance company.
Constable Lua with our newest recruit, 4 year old Nicholas, at Crime Prevention Day, Westgate, April 2017
Recently we also spent three days engaging with the wider community, dressing up kids in Police uniforms for photos and giving out road safety and burglary prevention advice. There was lots of fun to be had and plenty of happy kids.
Massey Station is home to a Sergeant, Watchhouse Officer, four Community Constables (covering Henderson/Te Atatu/Glendene/Ranui out to Bethells/Massey/Westgate/West Harbour/Hobsonville/Whenuapai and Herald Island) and two General Duties/Beat Squad constables. It is also home to Massey Community Patrol CPNZ, a group of Police-vetted and trained volunteers who work as eyes and ears for the Police.
Sgt McKeown and more recruits at our Crime Prevention Day, L to R: Parker 7, Aza 11 and Sierra 9 (photo by Nana/Cheryll Martin)
If you would like to work with your local cops and help keep your area safe, please join up. Apart from getting their own “better work stories”, patrollers get to visit Police Comms (to see how 111 calls are processed), ATOC (where the city cameras are monitored), Police District Command Centre (the control centre for Police) and lots of other places off limits to the public. To keep up with Massey Station and the patrol, like us on Facebook.
But please be aware, when it comes to reporting crime, Police do not monitor Facebook. While it is a useful tool to let your neighbours know what is happening, you should always call Police first:
- If it is happening right now, the offenders are still in the area or have just left, dial 111
- If it is non-urgent, call 839 0600 and ask for Comms
- If it is historical (ie your car has been broken into, you’ve come home and your house has been burgled) call our Crime Reporting Line on 839 0600
- If you see something suspicious and you are not sure what to do, call 111. The call taker will prioritise your call depending on the information you give them
Other useful numbers are Neighbourhood Support Waitakere (838 0132), to help you set up street contacts, and the Tag Out Trust (0800 824 688), who clean tagging off free of charge.
Massey Station is open Monday to Friday, 8am – 4pm at 390 Don Buck Rd, Massey. Feel free to call in or phone us for advice on 832 4099.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]