Your committee spent a full day last weekend brainstorming a long-term plan and vision that aims to make Hobsonville Point a friendly, inclusive, satisfying, stimulating, attractive and safe place to live in for the long haul.
We engaged an external consultant to help us pin down what we think is important for healthy and happy living here, and work out how best to use our resources for the common good.
We know you have great ideas on that too! And we want to hear them. We still have work to do but once we have a draft plan in place we’ll come back to you for your views. We aim to run an info-sharing get-together (date and place to be advised) ahead of the next annual general meeting.
By the way, you have probably already received a save-the-date alert from Crockers about that AGM, which is set for October 24. We had subsequent feedback that last year’s 6.30pm start time for the AGM was too early for those with young families or who struggle to get home from work by then. We have therefore set the time for this year’s meeting at 7pm.
It’s three months away of course, but don‘t worry – we’ll remind you!
Meanwhile, there’s a lot going on around the Point. So read on to learn about how you can:
– have your say on the proposed Launch Bay developments
– sleep better at night knowing we have our own security patrols
– attend the opening of the Catalina Community Garden
– maintain cedar panelling on your home
– and have some singing fun by joining a local choir!
Best wishes,
The HPRS Committee