Dear Residents,
Four young students at Hobsonville Point Primary School are responsible for the pretty new ‘watery’ artwork, Stream of Wonder, that now adorns the concrete steps up to Harrier Point Park on Launch Road.
They wanted to add more colour to the area and provide a fun educational opportunity for younger children. They wrote and presented to organisations to get landowner approvals, secured sponsorship and funding, organised their own raffle to fundraise for supplies, and commissioned artist Stu Duval to supervise. They also helped paint it. Your society, the HPRS, was happy to donate $500 to the cause – so next time you go by, pat yourself on the back for helping to make it happen.
There’s plenty more going on in our community in the run up to Christmas. Everyone’s so busy! Take care of yourselves and try to enjoy some ease and peace amidst the rush.
It was fantastic to see so many of you doing just that at yesterday’s Christmas in the Park event at the Rifle Range. Don’t forget this Wednesday, December 12, brings Caroling Through the Point for those that are interested in spreading some more Christmas cheer throughout the community. Thanks to Hobsonville Point Community Trust for organising both events.
Best wishes,
HPRS Committee