Yes, it’s AGM time again! 

Mark your calendar: It’s coming up on Thursday Oct 7, 7pm, online (details soon)

On September 23 you received all the meeting materials info from Crockers. Included were the agenda, financial statements, proxy form, postal voting form and the AGM 2020 Report on your Crockers My Community portal (if you don’t have it email tells you what your committee’s been involved in this year and sets out the 2020-21 budget.

We will also be electing a NEW COMMITTEE. Only one current member is standing this time. Our constitution allows for nine members and we have 12 nominations. Find their bios in the AGM report in the report. You can vote for up to nine members. 

YOUR VOTE COUNTS – Our constitution says that 15% of members must be present to create a quorum at AGMs. Now we are growing so big, that means a lot of people! So if you can’t attend your proxy or postal voting form is very much needed (reviewing the constitution on that point may well be a job for the incoming committee.) 

IF YOU’RE COMING ONLINE TO THE AGM Please note that this is an owners-only meeting, therefore, if you are not an owner of a property in HPRS, you will need a signed AGM HPRS Proxy Form 2020 to be able to attend on the owner’s behalf

IF YOU CAN’T MAKE IT – Make your committee votes and for other agenda items use the AGM HPRS Postal Voting Form 2020. Email to  24 hours before the AGM before 7pm October 6, 2020.

Thanks to our departing chairperson, Mark Kaneko and other outgoing committee members for their contributions for the 2019/20 year.

Warm best wishes to you all from the HPRS Committee.