Healthcare – what do you do during ALERT LEVEL 2? (as at 31 August, 2020)
1.      Feeling well?

  • You can leave home, but you must follow public health measures and consider others around you
  • Follow the Alert level 2 directions in place for the Auckland region,

2.      Feeling unwell? Do you need testing or care?

  • If you are in Auckland and have any cold or flu-like symptoms, you should get a COVID-19 test.  The symptoms of COVID-19 can include:
  • New or worsening cough
  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Temporary loss of smell
  • Runny nose.


If you have any of these symptoms?

1. Call Your family doctor (GP) first -call ahead to find out if you need a test and follow their advice

2. Go to a Designated GP

3. Go to an Urgent Care Clinic, or

4. Final option go to a COVID-19 Testing Centre (CTC)

See list:

  • Call Healthline, 0800 358 5453 for health advice (choose Option#1 for language support, stay on the line, then say the language you want e.g ‘Korean’.


  • If you need to access other care, call your health service first:
  • GPs/Urgent Care Clinics are open
  • Call them first if you are sick or have any health concerns
  • Planned care in hospital
  • Strong measures are in place to keep you safe in our hospitals.
  • Go to your appointments unless you are told otherwise by the service. See each DHB’s info below on their website.
  • Hospital visitor policy
  • Alert Level 2 visitor rules will be in place. Check your local DHB’s website or Facebook page for information on their hospital visitor policy:

Auckland DHB,

Counties Manukau Health,
Waitematā DHB,


3.      Is it an Emergency?

·         Call 111, OR

·         Go to your nearest hospital Emergency Department (ED). ED is open.

Protect yourself and others

  • Stay home if you’re sick
  • Face coverings:
  • Physical distancing:
  • 2m in public e.g. shopping malls, parks
  • 1m in controlled environments where contact tracing and other public health measures are in place e.g cafes, gyms, faith-based settings
  • Continue to wash your hands for 20 seconds, and sneeze and cough into your elbow
  • Disinfect commonly used surfaces at home and at work
  • COVID-19 ‘loves crowds’- Only 10 people max. for all social gatherings except for

funerals and tangi

Need to talk?

  • Asian background? Asian Family Services free helpline for English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese, Thai and Hindi languages, 0800 862 342, Monday to Friday, 9am  to 8pm,
  • Former refugee background living in the Auckland region? Free call RASNZ Support & Information Line,

0800 472 769, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm,

  • 1737 – Need an interpreter? Stay on the phone and listen to music, then tell the call worker your language, for example ‘Korean’,


For translated information, go to: