Your committee is currently focused on laying down plans for the good future management of our unique area. There are now nearly 1500 houses and apartments settled here, with some 2500 more still to come by the mid-2020s.
As we grow, so do the challenges of keeping ‘our place’ a great spot in which to live.
A public meeting is likely before our next AGM to share more news about this and seek your views. The date has yet to be set, but we’ll keep you posted.
Meanwhile, now that winter is finally arriving, it’s good to hunker down and enjoy the warmth and comfort of our Hobsonville Point homes.
Today we’re promoting a link to notes taken at The Gathering held in late April. This newsletter also includes details re the upcoming opening of The Hub, the new social and events centre in what was once the air force’s headquarters building, and a reminder about our upcomimg Queen’s Birthday Weekend garden waste opportunity, when you can weed, trim and get rid of the resulting rubbish.
There’s another link to new content on our site to help you when you’re considering making additions and alterations.
And there’s news about Chichester Cottage at the far end of Buckley Avenue – which will soon be lovely little venue for all of us to use. Once the lease has been passed from Auckland Council to the HPRS, we’ll begin planning its use and management.
NB Several of these stories are already on our site, but we’re repeating them here as we’re aware that many people aren’t regular site browsers. And some items have already been posted on our Hobsonville Point Residents Society Group Facebook page too – though once again, not everyone is on Facebook.
If you haven’t joined us there, you are welcome to come on over. Note that when you try to join you’ll be asked to put your address in a box. This isn’t made public and is not for any sort of data gathering reason – it’s just a way to try to keep the page as a noticeboard for locals, not as a general free-for-all.
As a footnote: Regarding recent rumours concerning the filming of The Block in Hobsonville Point, residents can note that the HPRS was advised of this intention. However, this is a commercial decision by the TV company and the building partner concerned. We have informed both the TV company and HLC that all work on the houses concerned will not only have to comply with the Auckland Council Resource Consents for the properties, but also that any variations will also need to go to the Hobsonville Point Design Review Panel for approval.
We have assurances from the producers that they will regard themselves as guests in our community and will abide by all the usual rules relating to building activities, with no late-night noise. Parking will not pose a nuisance as they have secured off-street parking on an as-yet empty building site.
Best wishes,
The HPRS Committee