Message from your new committee
Dear residents,
This is a message on behalf of your newly elected committee to provide you with a status update.
Firstly, I would like to confirm that the votes recorded on the night of the AGM have been independently audited and support the elected committee members as announced on the night.
The new committee represents a healthy gender balance and also a diverse range of cultural backgrounds, which we hope will mirror the rich diversity of the community we represent.
Secondly, I would like to thank the outgoing committee who, despite reduced numbers were able to execute a great deal of important projects including the very popular and important Streetscape project.
With a completely new committee there are the usual challenges of implementing a transition, which aims to not only provide attention to the ongoing items but also investigate new initiatives. What I can tell you is that the team is both positive and eager to do their best to represent you, our fellow residents.
A key priority for the new committee is how we can improve communication and resident engagement through the Hobsonville Point Residents Society channels and therefore eliminate any confusion created by unofficial social media channels. As a committee, we want to ensure that whatever we do, it is done well and communicated clearly and effectively.
There are already lots of ‘behind the scenes’ activities that are being addressed in relation to building alterations requests for example. In addition, all contractor agreements (excluding Crockers) have either expired or are due to expire very soon, which require priority attention.
From a personal perspective I would like the new committee to enjoy their roles and responsibilities over the coming year, and your increased engagement and support will be a key part of making that happen.
From all of your new committee:
- Christine Poulter
- Stuart Hartley
- Kim Rutherford
- Naveed Ahsan
- Louise Taylor
- Kobus Prinsloo
- Amar Trivedi (Deputy Chair)
- and myself, we say hello and thank you in advance for your support
David Allen
HPRS – Chair
From left to right; Stuart Hartley, Louise Taylor, Naveed Ahsan, Christine Poulter, David Allen (Chair), Kobus Prinsloo, Amar Trivedi (Deputy Chair), Crockers rep, and Kim Rutherford.