Please note in your diary the return of this very popular bi-annual event. Don’t miss it. There won’t be another one until 2021.

Hobsonville Point Garden Ramble
Saturday November 16, 2019 – 10am – 4pm.

The ramble is organised by the Buckley Garden Club. It will offer a unique opportunity to stroll through a lovely selection of local gardens – some brand new and some more established. You can chat with the owners, take photos and go home with great ideas for your own garden. On site will be some visiting experts and tradespeople who are all happy to share their expertise.

Expressions of interest are very welcome from potential garden owners who may consider offering their garden for the ramble. Or maybe you have a neighbour with a particularly special garden that needs to be seen. Let us know. With the growth in terrace houses we want to also promote ‘walk by’ homes – frontages with particular appeal. We are very happy to have a chat with anyone who is interested and would at least like to find out more. Please email: