HPRS needs your advice!

The committee is well aware that keeping our streets looking fresh, tidy and well-groomed is a high priority for all our members.

Some of your levies have been paying for some mowing and berm clean-up tasks this year in the longest-established parts of the Point, using up the budget of $50,000 approved by you at our last AGM. But much more needs to be spent in future to ensure our streetscapes get regular attention long-term, all around the Point.

The question is how to set it up – establish our own gardening arm or employ established contractors?

Are you interested in a team approach to this challenge? If so, we’re asking if you’d like to help set up an efficient and workable plan.

The idea is to:

  1. Form a sub-committee of owners/residents to work at defining what our likely options could be to get something underway. Ideally, the sub-committee should consist of people with good skills in business, strategic management and project planning.
  2. They would investigate the viability of each option and prepare a motion for the AGM to ratify a continuing project with specific time frames and sufficient budget for task completion.

While both HLC and Auckland Council have responsibilities around mowing and tree-trimming, it is clear that large amounts of HPRS budget will also need to be spent to help keep ‘our place’ looking great.

Because money needs to be invested at the front end, we have to get approval from owners at our next AGM on October 30. Please email your interest, by August 28, to hobsonvillepoint@crockers.co.nz, with ‘Garden Plan’ in the subject line.

We’ll come back to you to set up a meeting so we can start getting stuck in! It is a big task to get this underway but it forms a key focus for the society going forward so if you are keen to get involved at the planning stage then we are keen to hear from you.

By the way, the picture shows the newly tidied western end of Kittyhawk Park, where undergrowth has been trimmed, huge weeds and wild pines have been removed and new mulch put down. This was an HPRS-funded effort as AC (whose land this is) would undertake to do no more than trim foliage spilling onto the road.