You and your family and friends are invited by the Hobsonville Community Trust to ‘Summer in the Park’ on Feb 24. It’s happening at the waterpark at the foot of Onekiritea Road. Check the flyer for all the details. Organiser Gavin Gunston has been looking for a resident living parkside who is willing for the Trust to plug an electrical lead into their household supply so his team can inflate the bouncy castle. (He has something good to give you in return.) If anyone’s willing, please text Gavin 021 346 997.
This is the first of three summer events being planned by HCT, a church-based group that does a lot of work in the community. To learn more about them, visit their website.
Their big March event is block barbecues over Neighbours Weekend on March 30-31, and on April 12 they’ll run a family movie night at the Rifle Range.
Another date for your calendar: Saturday, March 23 – the annual Music in Parks afternoon run by Auckland Council and always a lovely late-summer event.