We’ve been promising Chichester Cottage will open soon for a long time now – and we’re STILL saying it, as an actual date remains out on the horizon and the wait for water and power to be connected goes on. But we’re beginning to get ready.
A group of volunteers from the community went there recently to measure spaces and put heads together about what needs to be covered off before the doors can finally open as a centre for small meetings and activities.
They also visited a local storage centre to pick up some equipment we’ve had in storage, but we still need to organise things like a booking system and rules for hireage and purchase a fridge, heat pump, window coverings, wall art etc. Thanks to the group – we love their willingness to get stuck in and do this.
We have more community initiatives coming up this year for which we’ll need volunteers, so if you’re keen to help and to make some new friends, just let HPRS know. You can do that by emailing hobsonvillepoint@crockers.co.nz about volunteering. Please describe your area of interest.