Our very own little cottage for small local events will be opening in a couple of months, and there’s a lot to do to make it well equipped and welcoming. Do you have time and energy you can contribute?

It is a bare-bones little building right now, in need of everything from cushions to cutlery, from teaspoons to towels and from wall art to window coverings. We’re looking for locals willing to source everything it needs, and help set up systems to make for seamless hiring by anyone who wants to use it.

A very small committee has been looking forward to working on the opening but they’ve been in the group for a few years already, have very busy other lives, and would relish working with others who can bring fresh energy. A dose of ‘wow’ from some new faces would go down well!

If you have some spare time to help out, please shoot off an email to hobsonvillepoint@crockers.co.nz and put Chichester Committee in the subject line.

We’ll get back to you to organise a get-together over coffee (or wine) at which you can find out more about it.

If you‘ve been seeking some sort of social and useful way to make new friends at the Point, then this might be ideal for you.