About the Hobsonville Point Community Grants Fund

The Hobsonville Point Residents Society Community Grants Fund was established with seed funding from the Hobsonville Land Company with additional funds provided by the HPRS following agreement at an AGM.

The Fund’s purpose is to encourage and financially support residents and groups in Hobsonville Point to develop and carry out activities, events or community service projects that contribute to local wellbeing.

The Fund is administered by Auckland Foundation and overseen by a separate Hobsonville Community Fund committee.

If you have any questions about the fund email info@aucklandfoundation.org.nz

About the Hobsonville Point Community Grants Fund

The Hobsonville Point Residents Society Community Grants Fund was established with seed funding from the Hobsonville Land Company with additional funds provided by the HPRS following agreement at an AGM.

The Fund’s purpose is to encourage and financially support residents and groups in Hobsonville Point to develop and carry out activities, events or community service projects that contribute to local wellbeing.

The Fund is administered by Auckland Foundation and overseen by a separate Hobsonville Community Fund committee.

If you have any questions about the fund email info@aucklandfoundation.org.nz

Structure and Funding

Administration and payment of the grants are managed by Auckland Foundation, with a selection committee, the Hobsonville Point Community Grants Fund Advisory Committee (advisory committee).

This is under the umbrella of the Hobsonville Point Residents Society overseeing the selection process of the grants. These are charitable funds being granted and applications will need to satisfy the charitable purpose of the Fund and comply with DIA charitable funding guidelines. Individuals or community groups can apply for up to $500 in any one year.

What the Fund supports

The Fund is to encourage and financially support not-for-profit projects, initiatives and ideas that contribute to Hobsonville Point’s vision of good communications, engagement and respect between members and residents.

Creative and fresh initiatives are encouraged to support the Point as a great place to live, work, play, grow and learn. The Fund is focussed on events and projects run within the boundaries of Hobsonville Point, as set by Kainga Ora’s Hobsonville Point Masterplan Map. The events and projects funded must be undertaken within this area, unless the advisory committee gives prior agreement.

Eligibility Requirements

Application Process & Assessment

Applications must be received using the online application form on Auckland Foundation’s website. You can save your progress at any time, as long as you are accessing the application from the same computer or device.
Any applications received by Auckland Foundation after the closing dates will not be eligible for consideration by the advisory committee, so make sure you send your application in plenty of time in case we have any questions.
Once you have submitted your application online, you will receive an acknowledgement email from Auckland Foundation. If you haven’t received this email within 48 hours, please contact us.
The Hobsonville Point Community Grant Fund advisory committee will meet to assess applications and inform Auckland Foundation, who in turn will ensure charitable purpose is met and any due diligence completed. Auckland Foundation will contact applicants for bank account information/other paperwork and process the grant payment.
Auckland Foundation will contact the applicant for an accountability report on the activity and proof of expenditure, i.e. receipts once the activity has taken place. The applicant must return any unspent grant funds to Auckland Foundation.
A group of local volunteers makes up the Hobsonville Point Community Grants Fund advisory committee and their assessment of events/projects is based on:
  • The amount of funds being sought as a proportion of the total sum needed. For larger, more expensive events, it is expected that the group/individual will have additional sources of funding.
  • The size of the community group that will benefit.
  • The validity of the actual expense required to undertake the proposed activity